Culturally Diverse

Translating and Interpreting Service

Help for non-English speakers

ISHAR Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health

Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Centre Inc. encourages the health and wellbeing of women of all ages and from all cultural backgrounds. It has a holistic philosophy grounded in the ‘Social Model of Health’ where the ‘medical’ condition of women seeking services is not separated from the real life interconnections of personal, social, economic, racial, age and gender relationships they experience.

Multicultural Women’s Advocacy Service

The Multicultural Women’s Advocacy Service promotes the safety of women, with or without children, from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds who have experienced or are at risk of domestic violence.

Kiara Family Practice

Bulk bill community family practice in Kiara supporting culturally diverse patients. Dr Nadia Rauf speaks the dialect of Pashto (spoken by people from the KPK region in Pakistan).

Book an appointment here

Information provided on this website is for the benefit of the community. While care has been taken to ensure the information provided is up to date and accurate at the time of publication, users should be aware that details may change over time, and also that listings do not constitute a recommendation by Midland Women’s Health Care Place. Should you find any details provided on the website are no longer accurate or up to date, please contact us.
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